Dragon's Tale – Unique Bitcoin Role Play Gambling World
Play at Dragons.tl bitcoin role play gambling game.
Gaming Choices
No matter how much do we love classic casino games to fill our gambling needs then there are days when this gray gambling format just isn't doing the job. Bitcoin gambling community is blessed with the unique addition of Dragon's Tale, which is a gambling world with gambling/skill games. What makes Dragon's Tale unique is the interactive 3D role playing world that they have build for their product.
All of the games take place on an island where players can buy each other drinks or smoke a good old virtual cigar, while latter actually being a randomized lottery-type of gambling venture where each puff gives you some of the bits! Highest cigars are known to have given out up to fifty times multipliers.
Majority of skill games are quite addictive and require little to no skill in order to have fun while not be losing any of your bitcoin. Payout rates are set high and carry low to no house edge, in order for the Dragon's Tale players to be able to experience cheap, fair and fun bitcoin gambling entertainment.
For example, if you decide to load up Dragon's Tale and check out their virtual bitcoin gambling island then you can gamble on even as basic stuff as bench kicking! That's right, you walk up to the bench, set your bet amount and kick it, this action will result in you either doubling up your bet or losing it. Basically this is a heads or tails variation game but is pictured as bench kicking in the game play.
Archery, cocktails mixing, quests, bar chilling, cigar smoking, all of which will be possible thanks to the interactive Dragon's Tale role play journey and all of the previously listed features reward you in nothing else but bitcoin!
There is no active VIP program at Dragon's Tale.
No deposit bonuses are currently available for the Dragon's Tale players.
Every gambling/skill game comes with multiplying features.
Affiliate partnership can be discussed by privately reaching out to Dragon's Tale staff but general interface is in the works and will be available to public some time soon.
Dragon's Tale does not host any games with live dealers.
All of the gambling games found in the virtual world of Dragon's Tale are random number generator based.
Deposits and Withdrawals
Dragon's Tale operates in bitcoin as rooms primary currency.
Bitcoin deposits are credited after 1 confirmation.
Bitcoin withdrawals are processed instantly.
Dragon's Tale has managed to win many hearts in the bitcoin gambling industry thanks to the unique and interactive game play that they have brought with their quality product. Players can now have an exotic island bar outing with their friends, even when the group is actually spread ten thousand miles away from each other, Affiliating possibilities can potentially turn into lucrative revenue additions while turning your gambling-loving friends into your little piggy banks. If you haven't heard or signed up for the unique Dragon's Tale gambling experience, then we can assure you that you are missing out on a lot of quality bitcoin gambling fun.